Hi there!
Posted 2024-09-20 14:00:39
With things winding down on Cohost, a lot of folks have been putting together 88x31 "buttons," like you used to see on old Web 1.0 pages.
It's been a lot of fun! It's cool to see so many people getting creative and trying to distill their essence into a single tiny gif.
Some people have really leaned into certain aesthetics, like Windows XP UI or late-2000's gradients - I'm not sure if it was intentional, but my sibling Bee's button reminds me of the kinds of gradients I saw in forum userbars back in middle school:

Others have just been doing whatever they want, as long as it fits in the 88x31 space. Here's a really smooth one from Creature0354!

So naturally, I made my own!
If you're interested in linking back to me, you can copy the HTML below to add my button to your own page.

<a href="https://moxiecat.dev" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="https://moxiecat.dev/img/MoxieButton-88.gif"/></a>
I also made one that's twice as big, to make it easier to read (this is actually the version on my homepage:

<a href="https://moxiecat.dev" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="https://moxiecat.dev/img/MoxieButton-176.gif"/></a>
Let me know if you end up using either of them!