Hi there!
State of the Moxie - 2024-11
Posted 2024-11-22 12:40:15
Hi again! Sorry for the wait between posts!
With Cohost gone and Elon Musk's Hellsite actively burning to the ground, I decided to join Bluesky - as a digital artist in the internet age, I think it's important to keep my eggs in several baskets.
Unfortunately, that means I've been using Social Media again, and uh... as someone with ADHD, it's really easy for me to fall back into the endless-scrolling dopamine loop.
So I'm back here again!
I don't have much to say about one particular topic, so here's a quick-fire round of a few thoughts and stuff:
Battle of the Bits
If you're not aware, BotB is a site for music jams - they host several one-hour competitions (or two-hour, or month-long, or whatever) to write music based on a given theme.
I'd heard of it before, but a few fellow musicians said it was a really nice community, so I decided to give it a try.
And it's really cool!! There's a lot of friendly people there, and it's fun to hear tons of music from independent artists.
My profile is here, if you want to check it out. At time of writing, there's a big event introducing a bunch of new formats, and I'd also recommend going through that to hear everyone's cool tunes.
Dreamshine Update
Progress on Dreamshine is slow, but good! I'll be starting a devlog here, so keep an eye out if you're interested.
Over the last month or so, I've started rebuilding it from scratch. I have a bad habit of making things more complicated than they have to be, and it was quickly getting hard to manage. Now, everything's either more modular, or handled by a plugin with a much nicer interface!
Furthermore, I've switched the game to full 2D, instead of having 3D environments. I still think the 2D-characters-in-3D-worlds thing is a more fun visual style, but the truth is I'm just not good at 3D modelling. Using 2D maps will help the game look better, and also be less frustrating to produce.
Speaking of 2D art, here's a crop of a character sheet I drew recently!
I'll be sharing the full piece with the first proper dev log. I'm hoping to share a new character with every entry - there's a lot of folks here on the Isle!

Site Updates
I'm thinking about updating the site a little. There's a few easter eggs I want to add, and maybe a proper gallery page for my art.
If there's anything you'd like to see, leave a comment below!
Personal Stuff
My partner just finished playing Moon RPG!
Now that I'm not worried about spoiling anything for them, I'd like to write a blog post about it specifically. It's easily my favourite game of all time, and I think Dreamshine is very good proof of its influence on me.
Also, I tried eyeliner recently and it turns out I'm super pretty. :3
Probably not super important to you, but it's nice to visibly present as more queer (that's why my hair's pink, after all), so I wanted to share that joy with you!
That's all for now!
I'm not expecting to write many posts like this. Unless I end up spending a long time away from the blog again, I'd like to stick to smaller, more-focused posts instead.
See you next time!