MoxieCat Makes Stuff

Hi there!

Meet SQirrL

Posted 2024-09-11 22:14:30

When I was in college, I took a web development course that taught us how to use PHP and SQL. I liked messing with them, but I just didn't see myself using them for my own projects.

8 years later, guess who ended up using both extensively??

My website is partially based on a couple of SQL tables, which hold all my projects and blog posts.

I really like it! It gives me a lot of control over how I present my content (not to mention I get to store all my stuff as pure HTML, so I can do fun stuff with it).

But it's also a bit of a pain to update, since there's no post editor or anything like that.

Enter: SQirrL!

Screenshot of a program, showing options to create a 'project' and a 'blog post.'

I call it SQirrL because it's like SQL and also because squirrels are cute :3

This is a program I threw together in Godot. Basically, I write whatever I want to add to my tables, and it spits out an SQL command for it.

I'm even writing this post in it!

Screenshot of the same program. Various text fields are filled with the same data on this page.

It's still something of a work in progress, though. I'd like to add a few more features, like buttons to format text or insert snippets of HTML. It also doesn't solve the fact that I have to input the commands myself, or that I have to upload any images manually.

Still, for something I made in an afternoon, I'm pretty proud of it!

I might make a repository for SQirrL so people can see how I put it together, but it's very specifically tied to how my website is set up, so it's not gonna be useful to anyone else on its own.

I'll keep this page updated with any news about it!

Update - 2024-10-01

Added a handful of buttons to automatically add HTML tags or apply formatting!

This should help make posting just a little bit easier.

Screenshot of the SQirrL program, now with some formatting buttons

Thanks for reading!

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